When placing an order online or over the phone, the shipping method you select will determine when your shipment will deliver. 

If your order is being placed online, you can view available shipping methods and calculate estimated shipping rates on the shopping cart page

Once in your shopping cart, you can enter the state and zip code you plan to ship to, then click "Calculate Tax and Shipping" to view shipping method options and estimated rates. If your desired shipping method does not appear on our website, please contact us at 866-522-6657 and we will provide you with all available shipping options.

You may also view available shipping methods at checkout. Here you can enter your billing and shipping addresses prior to selecting your shipping method. A PO box cannot be used as a shipping address since UPS will not ship to a PO box. If you have a specific need-by-date for your order, please choose the appropriate shipping method to ensure delivery by this date. Keep in mind that most orders require 2 to 3 days of processing time before the books are shipped. If you are not certain which shipping method to choose in order to ensure delivery by your need by date, please call our office at 866-522-6657.

Standard ground shipping is an estimated 7-10 business days and is free for most titles. For expedited shipping, such as next day, 2-day or 3-day air, please allow one day for processing in addition to the transit time. Orders received later in the day may not be processed until the following business day. Our offices are open from 7:30am-5:30pm PST.

If your order is placed over the phone, a BookPal associate will provide you with your available shipping methods and costs.